Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Looking at the Sky

I never will have time
I never will have time enough
To say
How beautiful it is
The way the moon
Floats in the air
As easily
And lightly as a bird
Although she is a world
Made all of stone.

I never will have time enough
To praise
The way the stars
Hang glittering in the dark
Of steepest heaven
Their dewy sparks
Their brimming drops of light
So fresh so clear
That when you look at them
It quenches thirst.

I have felt this way several times lately.  I feel as if there is never enough time for the good and beautiful things.  And yet even the glimpses, the brief moments, can suffice when that's all I have...

1 comment:

Morning's Minion said...

The seemingly necessary things take so much time and energy. Sometimes it is difficult to explain to those around us or to justify the time spent in quiet wonder, perhaps with books or music, or outdoors absorbing and observing.