When I arrived at the town center, I found an Arts & Crafts Festival going on, so the Desert Garden was a little cluttered for optimal picture taking. Still, I don't think I've ever seen more beautiful cacti!
The town of Carefree is fairly new, incorporated in 1980s. The following information is from its website.
- In the 1950’s, two entrepreneurs K.T. Palmer and Tom Darlington, formed a partnership and acquired the land now known as Carefree.
- In the 1960’s, SkyRanch Airport and the Desert Forest Golf Club opened. The first shops and restaurants were constructed and business commenced within the TownCenter.
- In the 1970’s, a total of approximately 300 homes had been constructed. Many of the roads in and around Carefree were paved.
- In the 1980’s, Carefree incorporated as a Town.
- In the 1990’s, the population of Carefree increased to over 2,500 residents.
- Today, Carefree’s population is approaching 4,000 residents. The Carefree Desert Gardens and Amphitheater hold numerous community concerts and events such as world class art shows throughout the year. Carefree celebrates 50 years of history and 25 years of incorporation.
I wish that more public places had plant and tree labels--I always want to know what I'm seeing.
Visiting in the southwest was such a contrast to the familiar plant life of New England.
Yes, the labels were the must surprising thing. I was happy for them, as southwest plant life is unfamiliar to me as well. Definitely a contrast to that of New England!
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