“And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the
year: ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’
And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the
hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a
known way.’
I first read that quote the year I had literally gone out
into the darkness—quit my job at a school where I was teaching, given up my
apartment and gone off to work on my doctorate in an environment about as far
removed from my life and lifestyle as possible—the huge and ultra secular
University of New Hampshire. I had no idea what to expect. All
I knew was that I hoped I could succeed in a world I had had little or no
contact with until that point.
Looking back, I’m not sure how I had the courage to do it,
although if you know me at all, you know I am a risk-taker, always pushing the
envelope, so maybe it’s not such a surprise that I would do something like that
after all. Although there were many things foreign and
even difficult about the experience for me, I don’t regret having done
it. I also learned a lot, the most important being the truth of
those M.L. Haskins lines from the poem “God Knows” in her book
The Desert. Any time you put
your hand into the hand of God you are in a better light and on a safer way.
This is nothing new to most of us. In fact, I
think probably most of us believe that a life following close to Jesus is
absolutely the best life. Trouble is, it does no good to hold a
belief if you don’t practice it. If you’re not a thinker
and a doer, why bother
thinking? Shocking question coming from one who, as a teacher, is
continually exhorting her students to THINK, isn’t it?
Well, I’ve been thinking about
doing for a few weeks, now. This isn’t the first
time I’ve thought about doing, of course. In fact I often think
about doing around this time of year. It’s the New Year, and one can
hardly avoid thinking about doing new things, doing things differently, doing
at all! At
I can’t. Every
year for as long as I can remember—and my sisters say I can remember a long
ways back, although it’s getting shorter as I get older—I’ve been making New
Year’s Resolution lists. Sometimes they’re long and detailed
lists. Other times they’re brief but cleverly worded lists—working
under the theory that a few resolutions are easier to keep than many. Omit
needless deeds, you know. It depends on how energetic I’m feeling at
the moment…
No matter the form, I find myself thinking a lot during the
weeks that surround the New Year. Thing is, that’s the easy
part. Anyone can think,
although they don’t always do it. It’s the acting on the thinking that’s the real challenge. That's my goal this year. To act on the thinking, with my hand in God's. That is definitely better light and safer than the known way.
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