I have had a repeat performance today of another Friday a couple of years ago where I injured my eye. Then, I got straight shampoo in my eye just as I was going off on a weekend writing retreat to Cape Cod. This time, I somehow got my hairbrush in my eye this morning as I was getting ready for school. I cried the whole day, literally. Made for a strange day of teaching, with the students thinking they'd brought me to tears!
I came home early and just closed my eyes and rested them. It felt good, although I also felt guilty for leaving early when I know it was adding to the burden of others. Fortunately, I stuck it out until just before school got out, so it wasn't too bad (I hope!).
Meanwhile, my poor neglected blog! I have had things to blog about...all the lovely birds I've seen in two weekend visits to my parents...the joy of sitting on their back patio and just listening, and watching, and reveling in the colorful birdlife around me: humming birds, goldfinch, bluebirds, orioles, indigo buntings, purple finches, tree swallows to name a few...
But school is just sucking the energy out of me right now. There are just three more weeks left. Sometimes I think that's too much time, others I think it's not enough... All I know is that the time will pass quickly, and then I will be able to catch my breath and get back to regular blogging.
For now, some of the birds I've been enjoying...except that blogger won't upload them right now. I'll have to do that later =(