The Second Week
Thanks to Labor Day, we had one less day of school this week. You'd think that would make a difference. Well, in a sense it did. I had time over the weekend to do a lot of things at home that have been piling up. That felt good. But I didn't feel any less exhausted today than I did last week. The academy students were even gone Thursday and Friday to Camp Winnekeag, so I didn't have classes to teach, and still...I'm tired.
It's a good tired, though. I love my job...or at least a good share of it. I don't really see it as a job, but a way of life. There is purpose in all I do, and the ultimate goal is not to put in my time and cash my check, bu
t to present Jesus to our students in every way possible. We have chosen for our theme this year "Character Counts," so we are really focusing on all the things that make up a quality Christian. It's nice working in a place where everyone is receptive to growing spiritually....
The staff has been praying a lot, as we have experienced over and over the power of prayer. This week, we had specific things we were praying for each day. And each day, those prayers were answered! I love sharing things like that with the students. It supports and builds their faith as much as it does ours.
Now, today, in a couple of hours, I will drive up to my oasis in Maine where I will spend the afternoon and evening-into-morn
ing with my folks. It is always a peaceful experience to be with them. Their home is so beautiful and restful to me, and we love just hanging out together. We talk and read and walk and talk some more...all things I rarely do on my own during the school year.
Photos: Lake Winnekeag; bulletin board in my classroom with "off limits" desks; the classroom sans students.
what are "off limits desks " ?
classrooms look great
These are desks we have in the classroom (because we have nowhere to store them right now), but don't want anyone to sit in them. We want the students to sit in the front and towards the middle as much as possible.
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