Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Our non- teaching holiday stretched into one more day (after Columbus Day), thanks to a teacher in-service on inclusion. Our educational system has just released a manual entitled R.E.A.C.H. on full inclusion of learning disabled children in the classroom and we had two of the committee members present today for the in-service. It was a profitable day. The discussion and activities were valuable. The last thing our group did was watch part of a video that gave us the experience of being learning disabled in a classroom. It was an incredible feeling...a horrible feeling...an oh, so valuable feeling. Walking in another's shoes, even for 15 minutes or so shook up my whole thinking about the way I do some things in my classroom. After all this time! Wow!

The drive to and from the meeting (about an hour west of my house) was just beautiful. This fall is just glorious so far! Around every corner is a nother amazing sight. And the sunset was incredible too, although I couldn't get a good picture of it because it was mostly behind instead of in front of me. All that put together, I didn't mind the long drive at all because I was enjoying what I saw so much...


Heidi said...

Yeah, fall is coming here, too, and I had a beautiful drive this afternoon. Mine was about three times as long as yours though... :-)

Patty said...

beautiful fall photos ! No fall colors here, just green leaves still

Christy Woolum said...

Your pictures are gorgeous. I love seeing how others can capture the beauty of the fall trees.