Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving gratitudes

I'm thankful for so many things. There are the more abstract things that include purpose and contentment, but there are very tangible reasons for them. Among these are...

1) My parents, who are still in relatively good health at nearly 80 years old and who are active leaders in their church and community.

2) My sisters, who are my best friends, and who are actively making a difference in young people's lives through their work in Christian education.

3) My nieces, who are beautiful, smart, creative Christian collegiates.

4) My nephews, who are smart, funny, talented, young Christian men.

5) My brothers-in-law, who are good fathers, good providers, good Christian husbands.

6) My colleagues, who are excellent, interesting, and dedicated Christian teachers.

7) My Bible study group that supports and challenges me on a weekly basis.

8) My friends, some of whom I've known for more than 35 years.

9) My two furry house compansions who make me laugh and feel important every day.

10) My health and peace of mind and soul.

11) The beauty that surrounds me here in New England.

12) Days off from work like today that afford me the opportunity to reflect on the blessings in my life, and then later join many of them at a big family dinner.


Anonymous said...

So many wonderful things to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Ruth said...

It is nice for you to express thanks for the "tangible" things and the people who are special in your life. Happy Thanksgiving!

Lindah said...

Beautifully put! Thanks for sharing. I join you in many of the same gratitudes.
Linda H