Sunday, March 16, 2008

Live the verses

My sister sent me a link from her local on-line newspaper about the man I worked for when I was in college, Oscar Schmidt. He's 93 and still going strong. When I went to college, I had it in my mind that I wanted to work in the library (I hate to admit it, but "Love Story" played a strong part in my wanting to work there. Remember Ali MacGraw's character, Jennifer, worked in the library and that's how she met Ryan O'Neill's character, Oliver.

I had this silly idea that if I worked in my college library like Jennifer did, I'd meet my Oliver! So much for that plan! Who I actually met, though, was Oscar, my boss. He was a great boss, and put a lot of trust in me, encouraged me to develop a good work ethic ("No, you cannot work and talk at the same time without making mistakes.) And he showed me that you can work hard, be responsible and still have a good time. His life's motto was “Life is but once / Drink the cup / Wear the roses / Live the verses.” He surely is doing all that and more. Still. I hope I have the same vim and vigor that he does when I am 93!!!

Photo and caption from Wicked Local Lancaster (on-line): By Ann Ringwood/Staff Photographer/Oscar Schmidt, 93, still volunteers at the Atlantic Union College library more than 60 years after graduating.


La Tea Dah said...

An amazing gentleman and a lovely post!

Bill Cork said...

I, too, worked for Oscar (I graduated in '84), as did my father-in-law (Reg Cheney), many, many years earlier. It was great to see that he's still going strong.

R. Aastrup said...

la tea dah--Yes, he certainly is a gentleman. It was a privilege to work for him.

Bill--how cool! You came just after I did, it would seem. I was just at the College Church this morning for the Easter service. Lovely, as usual.

Lloyd Trueblood said...

That's my Grandfather, he truly is amazing. At 97 he still gives me amazing Gems of guidance

R. Aastrup said...

Lloyd--I remember you from when I taught at SLA and you were at Browning. I taught your sister there. Please remember me to your grandfather. I worked in the library from 1973-1977.