Sunday, January 08, 2012

Magnetic Force · 365 Project

Magnetic Force by Rondi Aastrup · 365 Project

These are magnets (except for the picture in the  middle) I've collected during my travels throughout the US, Europe, Asia, South America and Canada.  They reside on my freezer door in my kitchen and serve to remind me of some of my travels.

I have not always collected magnets.  I guess I started within the past 10 years.  They are more efficient in size and cost than other souvenirs, and they serve as a conversation piece when I have company as well.

Some of quotes on them are by the author whose home I may have visited, others are of paintings I loved in an art museum.  Some are of very specific places, others represent a country or state more generally.  For example:  The left hand side has art from The Louvre and The Boston Museum of Fine Arts.  The right hand side has state magnets.  The column to the left of that has author and composer magnets.  At the top are places in the US (except for the Norway flag) and at the bottom left are Europe, Asia, and South America.  The quotes are all from Concord writers, primarily Louisa May Alcott.

I wish I'd thought of doing this during my earlier travels...but then I'd have no space for them all as I've been to some 35 countries.  I'd have to buy another freezer.  Ha!

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