A collection of random thoughts and images from the life of a busy retired educator who is working at finding peace and restoration while trying to make the most of every day.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
God is in the Details
Friday, February 23, 2007
Spring in the midst of Winter
For now, though, at least while I am near by to shoo them away, I have left the flowers at eye level to enjoy. So far so good.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Sunrise over Kruger National Park
But it's not of glorious sunsets that I want to write. It's not the myriads of days dying into West that stand out in my mind's eye. It's the rare sunrises I've seen that have stopped me in my tracks, that I can count my days back to...
Remember that sunset on July 5th, 1993 when we were waiting for the gates to open at Kruger National Park? Remember the blush of pink that crept up ever so slowly on the horizon, the molten gold that spread across our sights? Remember the stillness around us? The hush before daybreak? The aching calm of it all? Remember how we watched, breathless, as the pastels deepened into jewel tones, too overcome to even look at each other? Remember how the silence became a hum, then a hiss, and then a song as the sun's warmth began to wake the birds and the bees, began to stir the sap in the brush, began to seep into our skin and melt away the chill of that pre-dawn morning? Remember grabbing my hand, still not looking my way, and saying "Let's not forget this sight, this feeling, this day"?
That was more than a decade ago. I have no picture of that sunrise except as it's burned in my memory. And yet I have not forgotten. Not one single detail.
[Written during the Memoirs of the Soul writing retreat.]
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Fly Like an Eagle

I don't know why exactly, because two of my great fears are of speed and of falling, both realities of flying. Maybe it's the control part. Maybe it's the no boundaries, no borders part. I don't know.

Memoirs of the Soul
Photos: Harbor Inn, the guest rooms of the Evensong Retreat Center; a garden decoration; the door to my room (#5 on the right); Margaret's Walk, a labyrinth at the back of the retreat property; and the pillow on my bed: Bloom where you are planted.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Soap gets in your eye
Photos: The carnations we got at The Olive Garden on Valentine's Day in Corpus Christi; my room at the Evensong Retreat Center.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Sunrise...sunset in Corpus Christi

People I've mentioned this to are surprised that we aren't more enamored of the area. Our aunt and uncle come here often to go birding. One of our superintendents and her husband used to come here birding. A friend we met at the conference came here for vacation. Actually chose to come here! We don't get it. Perhaps we have too much New England in us.
Meanwhile, snow in Massachusetts. And no school. wouldn't you know it.
Monday, February 12, 2007
A Wrong Righted
We went on to have a conversation I never expected to have, and didn't really know entirely how to carry out. He wanted to know if we had parted as friends and said it had bothered him for years to think that we hadn't. The truth is I do not remember the details. I remember the hurt and discomfort, vaguely, but not the details. I don't really want to remember them and so I told him "what's past is past. I've moved on." And in reality, it ended up being a good thing for me to have moved on, even though it was painful at the time.
Moving on meant I had a year of working on my PhD at UNH under teachers whose work still impacts on my life. Moving on meant I had two years of traveling all over the world with the New England Youth Ensemble. Moving on meant I met people, formed relationships that changed my life for the better. People and events that never would have happened had I stayed. Important things, life-changing things...all because I moved on.
He asked my forgiveness. Told me I was the best English teacher he ever worked with. That was surprising (and secretly pleasing) news. I had no idea he felt that way. I hope my response was gracious enough to let him know I had forgiven him, too. It can't have been easy for him to have done that...I'm not sure I would have done it... It is a relief to me, thinking on it now. I hadn't realized what a heavy burden I've been carrying until I set it down this afternoon.
Pictures: Well, I've been trying to upload more pictures of Corpus Christi, but they won't post right now. I'll try later.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Corpus Christi
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Passion gets some Backup

Being passionate about what you do and who you’re doing it for is usually considered a good thing. It often means that your work is not just a job, but a huge part of your life. That kind of passion can be a good thing, but it usually isn’t very objective. And when it comes to judging the quality of the target of your passion, that kind of subjectivity is somewhat suspect to those who need entirely unbiased criteria by which to make such a judgment. Your passion, in essence, rules you out as a viable critic.
That’s why it’s a joyous day when you have facts to back up that gut feeling, that deep-down core-of-your-being passion. Such a day was mine earlier this week when I sat in a meeting and heard the preliminary results of the first year of testing in a massive three-year study of the cognitive abilities of the students in school system across the country. I wasn’t alone. There were a couple dozen educators with me who were privy to the report the directors of the new study our school system is doing is doing. So far, the news is outstanding. So far, the results indicate that our efforts not only hold their own but our students are performing even better than expected in all subject areas and on all grade levels.
What an empowering experience it was! How validating to know that our work stands up!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Blizzard of '78
Friday, February 02, 2007

And now it's done...before I can write a good paragraph, the melody races off to be heard only in my inner ear, mostly likely for hours to come. Music like that stays with you...
Thursday, February 01, 2007
To Be or Not to Be

It doesn't happen often in the small Christian schools I've worked in. But it has happened in each of them, and somehow, for some reason, the question seems to come my way, more often than not. This week, three different times I was helping kids wrestle with the age-old question. What was new about the first two times is that it was a six year old posing the question. What do you tell a six year old who says he wants to kill himself, who says "I don't want to be in my life"?
Faced with that question first thing Monday morning somehow shifted my whole focus, not only of the day, but of the week. I've not been able to shrug off