Sunday, October 21, 2007

Never Give Up!

I have been a Red Sox fan for 35 years. I'm up late tonight because I just watched the Red Sox beat the Indians for the American League championship.

Down 3 to 1 to the Indians, they won 3 games in a row to take the championship. What a huge example of never giving up!

Now, on to the Rockies!!!


Sunny said...

All is well in the Red Sox Nation tonight. Amen and amen.

Patty said...

My entire family back east is way over the top Red Sox fans. I used to love going to games with my dad. I keep an eye on them even now in Ranger land

Christy Woolum said...

I have a friend that grew up in Boston and him and his wife were on pins and needles until the end of the game. What a series that was.

Heidi said...

YAY! (My brother may have something against the Red Sox, but I'll cheer (or moan, as appropriate) for whoever!)

Heidi said...

Rondi, I forgot to tell you that I saw Julie (at a distance) when I was at Southern a couple weeks ago. She was walking into the cafeteria and I was up by the library.